Thursday, September 26, 2019

So the impeachment has begun, and the Heir's worst fears are coming true with the Progressive response.  As far as he's concerned the Progressives only want to hoard impeachment for their own political self interests rather than allow the people to have justice for a change.  He sees AOC and Al Green as complicit in that, and he distrusts them implicitly.  He doesn't even like them as people, and he's happy neither of them represents him in Washington.  Also Ed Snowden just came out again in the past couple weeks, and the Heir doesn't see this as a coincidence.  In short, the Progressive Insincerity reminds the Heir that no matter how much he too wants Universal Care and a Living Wage and reform in Affordable Housing and a cut-down on the noise pollution created by leaf-blowers, he himself is not progressive.  He's a skeptic.  None Of The Above.  The Heir's economically progressive, but he considers himself a Law And Justice conservative.  He wants to *conserve* law and justice, and he sees AOC and Ed Snowden as making an insincere mockery of the values of law and justice.  He values sincerity in public servants above so many things, and if he's not going to get it in the election, he's going to find a way of raging quit on them.  So, public figures, let this be possibly your *only* warning, and don't think the Heir's going to say this in late September 2019, and will totally forget about it in November 2020.  You people had better shape up, or you're just going to lose support among the sincere populace.

"AOC I don't think has really known any real challenges politically.  That could very well change depending how things go in the Impeachment Era."