Thursday, March 31, 2016

Another disgraceful game by Brooklyn.  The Heir switches his radio off twice in a row on them.  Now why do good fans follow bad teams?  It's a philosophical question.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happy Spring, people, on the verge of some snow we might get.  And speaking of spring, the Heir finds hilarity in the following: "Yankees fans! If you have Comcast, you will miss the entire Yankees season on YES."  Seeing how you can catch it on the radio no matter what, the Heir thinks of this as a first world problem.

"Be grateful that some of you at least have safe drinking water."

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Heir's Next Step Toward The Time When The Time Will Come Around.  The Heir's getting there, and he shocked everyone by making an extended appearance at Barbecue Spice Kitchen this past December.  Sonya's mad at him, though, for making a comeback that she feels is too late at this point.  Carmen, on the other hand, tells him that her friends in the trade greatly admire Heir's frugal ways, because they have spendthrifty bad habits.  The Heir was also wondering if there's even one thing that Donald Trump has said that wasn't controversial.  If he did, it would make all the papers.  Everyone except Sonya's giving the Heir care packages off their plates, inspiring the ire of the Chef, who's kind of a table manners cop.  Because Food should be serious, even if it's mellow.  After the newest Star Wars movie came out last year, it reminded the Heir of an even bigger controversy than Han Shot First, and that was Sandpeople They're The Worst.  He's pretty sure Luke says that rather than Sandpeople Or Worse.  The Heir last year during economic troubles was able to buy audio accessories online for no more than $25, saving him $100 or so.  He needed to do that for Music The Third Pillar.  And he's thinking about meeting friends of friends more once he feels up to it.  And he still believes in the importance of living without compromise.  On Audio (Play All):

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

This year, Super Tuesday and Fat Tuesday fall on separate days.  That means the Heir doesn't get to call it Super Fat Tuesday.