Saturday, April 9, 2022

Something the Heir's been wanting to point out for some time now is how right after 2/24 the progressives had just turned on a dime and decided they're anti-Putin after they were essentially for him by championing the libelous radicalists that the Kremlin gave comfort and protection to. The Heir doesn't readily remember the same loss of life with respect to the invasion of Crimea, and that might also help explain for the Heir why the progressives looked the other way. But when people started dying, the progressives immediately threw Putin under the bus. To their credit, the progressives wouldn't stand for people dying, but it also meant that their implicit support for Putin was untenable. So the Heir doesn't see their solidarity with Ukraine as all that sincere. They just know what side their bread's buttered on. Whereas as us inside Tropical Soul, we knew -very well- what was going to happen, and even in the 48 to 72 hours leading up to 2/24, not a peep out of the progressives about the then-eminent invasion. They wanted to continue their anti-Biden rhethoric, and their silence portraying Biden and intel as overly paranoid about an eminent invasion also dovetailed with Ed Snowden's libelous attacks on not even specific intel groups, but the intel process itself as somehow an inherent invasion of privacy rights. Once the Kremlin invaded, it was progressives with egg on their collective faces, and then they had no choice but to say, oh, no, Putin's a killer! So once the war is over, the Heir's sure the progressives will continue to live down their responsibilities to the public.

The Heir wants to reiterate his general support for Eric Adams's campaign against social immorality, even after the Heir criticized the Mayor for Scanner-gate and Mandate-gate. Mandate-gate the Heir acknowledges as the Mayor not being able to do much about as long as there are impending lawsuits, and word from the Mayor one way or the other could affect the city's legal team's strategies with respect to the lawsuits. So if you don't hear the Heir saying, well why doesn't Eric Adams talk about it weeks after it was in the news? That's the reason why. The Heir doesn't think camp dispersals will necessarily address the homeless problem, and that's why the Heir wants there to be housing reform at large. But he doesn't think all that much of at least half of the protestors against the dispersals.