Thursday, March 9, 2017

OK, people, the Heir started a Twitter channel a couple days ago to combat the House bill meant to kill Funny Named Care.  He describes this as a tool strictly about taking action on issues that would make him and others think about their account balances.  He's not there to get up to date on Survivor or what he uses the beach bulletin board for.  General stuff we put on audio, and time sensitive stuff we announce here on this announcements base.  So he contacted in something resembling solidarity at least a half dozen politicians he believes are part of what he believes needs to be a Funny Named Care Caucus.  He's also contacted a few media and polling groups and started a couple new hash tags.  So if you want to go there and Follow, the Heir's channel is called Help Sustain Affordability and his handle is @HelpSustain.

"Help Sustain Affordability is about (my) taking action on those issues that make me (and would make other people) think about my (our) account balances."