Wednesday, September 29, 2021

So as per our announcement that we're essentially taking no prisoners anymore, the Heir takes exception to some implications made at a recent demonstration in Philadelphia.  What he heard on audio were speakers saying something to the effect of, Donkey Presidents have had a history of certain actions, clearly implying to the Heir that if you have support or admiration of said Donkey Presidents, then you yourself must be guilty of condemning some migrants to death, and particularly if you're a registered Donkey citizen yourself.  They have no idea that that's how their comments would be taken, so the Heir thinks they really should have done their political homework if they had any hope getting extra support.  That said, the Heir wants to hear more from Jen Psaki than just, we're trying to tell people that now is not the time, because how exactly are they adequately getting that message out?  Just announcing it from a press podium possibly without it going on VOA towards the Caribbean, for example, means you're likely going to get migrants at your border who didn't hear anything about how now is not the time.  He's wondering whether that one bias incident in Texas a few days ago only served as a conversational stalking horse diverting from larger questions about how we're treating the migrants.  The Heir doesn't want the head of Homeland Security to *only* talk about and answer questions about just that one incident before committee, and the Heir hasn't heard on audio yet whether such a hearing is scheduled in the immediate or foreseeable future.  In short, the Heir thinks the demonstrators are incorrect as per their character assessment of Biden, but that Biden needs to help himself out by providing a better explanation about what happened and why.  The Heir also takes Colbert to task, or maybe his cyberstaff, regarding alarmist/fatalist thumbnail titles about a week ago regarding a supposedly impending end to democracy, and there was another title the Heir was made not to play that video either.  But the democracy thing the Heir holds as equivalent to when he saw an INN thumbnail title of Eric Swalwell claiming that democracy is somehow on "life support."  The Heir thinks very little of hyperbole, because if either Swalwell or Colbert's cyberstaff had ever exaggerated through the titles, how does the Heir know that the other titles *weren't* exaggerated?  He did see a recent video, but how does he know that the title for the video he just saw *also* wasn't exaggerated?

"That was a *question*, Colbert cyberstaff, so please don't ignore it if you really think those were *rhetorical* questions."

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

OK, so now our migration is mostly complete as per this announcement, though the Heir will check over any places that still need to be part of the migration, the Heir gets to take his downtrodden state from the last eight years or so, and send a shot across the bow in the form of a skepticism regarding the progressives' apparent book plug on behalf of Bob Woodward.  To make a long story short, the Heir's observed the progressives' citation of Bob Woodward's new book as an apparent account of "how close we came."  The Heir must point out, however, that history is replete with all sorts of dodged bullets, as well as hit bullets.  He's concerned that the progressives' only contention about "how close we came" comes in the form of a phone call Mike Pence had with Dan Quayle.  Again the Heir points out that politicians have phone calls with each other all the time, and it's no use fetishizing any one phone call.  They don't cite any other calls Mike Pence may have had that day that influenced his decision, though what the Heir reads in the citation which the progressives apparently missed was that going into that phone call, he sees Mike Pence as *already having made up his mind* that he was going to follow convention and oversee the certification of the results.  He just needed reassurance.  Even if he didn't follow convention, the members of Congress likely didn't need his participation, since the Heir's not aware of any constitutional provision that *requires* a vice-president to be present if certification of results were to have any validity.  It just needed what the constitution says it needed.  It's grievous to the Heir that the progressives apparently used Bob Woodward's new book to avoid responsibility for having failed, for a third time, to uphold the rights of survivors, because this all happened at the same time gymnasts testified on Capitol Hill as to the abuse they suffered at the hands of Larry Nassar, and the progressives made no attempt to add to the public record the shameful accounts of how Cosby and Cuomo got off scot-free, as per the Heir's previous accounts thereof here on this shares base through my writing as the Happy Bachelor.  So now it's Cosby, and then Cuomo, and now it's Larry Nassar.  Three strikes and the progressives are out, having failed on both moral and justice grounds.  And now that we've migrated our edutainment series to primarily talk about Tropical Soul And Principle, whatever the progressives have to say for themselves now, the Heir, the Tropical Soulvangelical, gets to dispute each and every one expected protestation on their part in response to being criticized as above.

"Where were you when the survivors needed you?  Three times!"

So for those of you following The Happy Bachelor Shares Base (supported by Blogger), you've mostly endured and/or followed the Heir's latest social outrages, informed by the his skepticism of the moral state of society at large.  We want you to know that within the next few days to a couple weeks or so (hopefully it won't take long), we'll be migrating both this shares base and our (eventual return to) audio content toward the main themes of principle and a simplicity and meditative state of mind we've called "tropical soul."  There will still be Happy Bachelor type content consistent with the four pillars of sex, classiness, music and food, but we're finding that as society at large descends deeper into personal corruption, we just cannot sit by the sidelines and merely do a complaint du jour.  We need to make a more formal stance over the long term in favor of things like tropical soul and principle.  Definitely know the title of this shares base will change to accommodate those things, along with a separate announcement page explaining the history of where this upcoming migration is coming from and what to expect in the foreseeable future.  That said, you may be interested to know that while we've been going in this general direction for some time, the Heir's come to a dead end in his making of his DIY audio player using a particular type of computer board, and it's become clear he needs to use another type he's been seeing online.  We'll spare you the technicals to let you that what this has to do with our upcoming migration is that we would have preferred to put the migration off till the Heir gets a useable player that replaces anything mediocre that comes off the shelf.  He's been at it for three years, and frankly that's a long time to put off standing for the cause of principle.  He'll still continue going DIY with the player and other things, and we're still looking to get back on audio, maybe in some kind of alt broadcast on an offline analog basis, since we've been oriented and informed by audio mainly on terrestrial analog radio.

Keep it tuned here as we embark on an "exciting" new chapter in what we do.

Friday, September 17, 2021

The Heir's been working on a number of projects designed to effect a transition to eventually make the Happy Bachelor subculture as independent as possible from a larger culture he's pointed out as personally corrupt and favoring forced obsolescence.  The DIY music player with the Third Pillar is one of those, but amidst the projects he hasn't had a chance to comment on current corrupt elements in the larger culture.  For one thing, he noticed that while we were doing the 20th anniversary of 9/11 a week ago, there was a striking dearth of immoral acts, and he wonders if that's because the would-be immoral actors found themselves admonished by how George W. Bush had pointed out how "feel good culture" had led to something like 9/11 to begin with.  This the Heir sees as what he's learned in criminal law as Consciousness Of Guilt.  The personally corrupt knew that what they're doing is wrong, despite their denials, and so they weren't prepared to defy 9/11 on its 20th anniversary.  The Heir also wants to go back to highlights in the testimony of women athletes who were abused by Larry Nassar to see whether there were renewed condemnations of Cosby and Cuomo, either explicit or implied.  Cosby was sprung in July, and Cuomo was failed to be impeached in August, so those two the Heir sees as continuing elements of evidence of personal corruption in the culture.  But another personally corrupt person the Heir sees as having reaped what they sowed was that member of QAnon with a reputation of anti-mask and anti-vaccine who died of Covid-19.  Unfortunately that segment with the INN the Heir was hoping as being able to pontificate more explicitly than they did, and hence the segment wasn't even about the QAnon member or the chickens coming back home to roost as much as general ignorance and denial regarding the pandemic and the importance of masks and vaccines.  The Heir already knows those things, but he suspects they used the segment title that they did in order for *someone else* to point out how the chickens were coming back home to roost.  Unfortunately the segment itself wussed out in not doing so themselves, because the Heir doesn't think that something like QAnon, which he sees as a descendent movement to the Anonymous hacking group, not to mention Ed Snowden, really deserves social respect not to be told that their chickens are coming back home to roost.  So the Heir's still looking for someone to follow in waving the banner of principle, and things like intuitive simplicity and transparency in crafts.  While he's looking for such a thing, he's working hard to make it happen himself for all of us in the Bachelor household.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

And now, it's time for the Heir to speak about abortion, after hearing on audio about the situation in Texas, and how the Supreme Court declined an immediate intervention.  All this time for over 15 years we've been doing this gig, the Heir's made it a practice to not comment on issues he sees as divisive and in such a way that it makes it easy for a conformist society to pidgeonhole him as a person as being on one "side" or another.  But just now the Heir's made a pro-choice donation, and while that's all the details about that donation he's ever going to talk about, he *does* want to make a point about whether our country's founders *ever* intended for the judiciary to be at odds with the citizenry.  Looks like he's going to have to do a word search in an online version of the Federalist Papers, but he suspects the answer to that question is *NO*.  So he thinks very little of these bite-around-the-edge proposals, mainly only on cable news shows on visual, such as increasing the number of Supreme Court Justices to 12 from 9.  He's wondering exactly what problem that would solve, and whether it can really happen anyway *if* you need to amend the U.S. Constitution in order to do that.  Most proposed amendments the Heir has seen in the past ended up in the dustbin in some capacity.  But just the fact that these pie-in-the-sky proposals exist the Heir sees as a distraction from the fact that the partisan figures making these proposals have no real solutions and are caught flat-footed where an increasingly dysfunctional and socially hostile judiciary is concerned.  The Heir looks at the otherwise lamentable referendum on legal pot in Bachelor Blue State as a model for how to go forward in some capacity.  The referendum at least proposed changing the state constitution to allow for legal pot, and the Heir can't exactly imagine how anyone's going to overturn that at the Supreme Court, or try to get the Supreme or *any* court to overturn the will of the people reflected in the referendum (except maybe on a technicality, but the Heir's not seeing that here).  But again, these are the kinds of pragmatic strategies the Heir expects the progressives to put down as not fire-in-your-belly enough, solely because it's borne of a very much due and well justified political skepticism.  That said, the abortion situation the Heir hears in Texas he sees as a springboard to have this kind of discussion regarding judiciary vs. the people, particularly when he doesn't see any consequences for the judiciary, encouraging them to make more and more rulings against the people, the way it seems to the Heir.