Tuesday, September 21, 2021

So for those of you following The Happy Bachelor Shares Base (supported by Blogger), you've mostly endured and/or followed the Heir's latest social outrages, informed by the his skepticism of the moral state of society at large.  We want you to know that within the next few days to a couple weeks or so (hopefully it won't take long), we'll be migrating both this shares base and our (eventual return to) audio content toward the main themes of principle and a simplicity and meditative state of mind we've called "tropical soul."  There will still be Happy Bachelor type content consistent with the four pillars of sex, classiness, music and food, but we're finding that as society at large descends deeper into personal corruption, we just cannot sit by the sidelines and merely do a complaint du jour.  We need to make a more formal stance over the long term in favor of things like tropical soul and principle.  Definitely know the title of this shares base will change to accommodate those things, along with a separate announcement page explaining the history of where this upcoming migration is coming from and what to expect in the foreseeable future.  That said, you may be interested to know that while we've been going in this general direction for some time, the Heir's come to a dead end in his making of his DIY audio player using a particular type of computer board, and it's become clear he needs to use another type he's been seeing online.  We'll spare you the technicals to let you that what this has to do with our upcoming migration is that we would have preferred to put the migration off till the Heir gets a useable player that replaces anything mediocre that comes off the shelf.  He's been at it for three years, and frankly that's a long time to put off standing for the cause of principle.  He'll still continue going DIY with the player and other things, and we're still looking to get back on audio, maybe in some kind of alt broadcast on an offline analog basis, since we've been oriented and informed by audio mainly on terrestrial analog radio.

Keep it tuned here as we embark on an "exciting" new chapter in what we do.

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