Wednesday, September 29, 2021

So as per our announcement that we're essentially taking no prisoners anymore, the Heir takes exception to some implications made at a recent demonstration in Philadelphia.  What he heard on audio were speakers saying something to the effect of, Donkey Presidents have had a history of certain actions, clearly implying to the Heir that if you have support or admiration of said Donkey Presidents, then you yourself must be guilty of condemning some migrants to death, and particularly if you're a registered Donkey citizen yourself.  They have no idea that that's how their comments would be taken, so the Heir thinks they really should have done their political homework if they had any hope getting extra support.  That said, the Heir wants to hear more from Jen Psaki than just, we're trying to tell people that now is not the time, because how exactly are they adequately getting that message out?  Just announcing it from a press podium possibly without it going on VOA towards the Caribbean, for example, means you're likely going to get migrants at your border who didn't hear anything about how now is not the time.  He's wondering whether that one bias incident in Texas a few days ago only served as a conversational stalking horse diverting from larger questions about how we're treating the migrants.  The Heir doesn't want the head of Homeland Security to *only* talk about and answer questions about just that one incident before committee, and the Heir hasn't heard on audio yet whether such a hearing is scheduled in the immediate or foreseeable future.  In short, the Heir thinks the demonstrators are incorrect as per their character assessment of Biden, but that Biden needs to help himself out by providing a better explanation about what happened and why.  The Heir also takes Colbert to task, or maybe his cyberstaff, regarding alarmist/fatalist thumbnail titles about a week ago regarding a supposedly impending end to democracy, and there was another title the Heir was made not to play that video either.  But the democracy thing the Heir holds as equivalent to when he saw an INN thumbnail title of Eric Swalwell claiming that democracy is somehow on "life support."  The Heir thinks very little of hyperbole, because if either Swalwell or Colbert's cyberstaff had ever exaggerated through the titles, how does the Heir know that the other titles *weren't* exaggerated?  He did see a recent video, but how does he know that the title for the video he just saw *also* wasn't exaggerated?

"That was a *question*, Colbert cyberstaff, so please don't ignore it if you really think those were *rhetorical* questions."

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