Friday, May 31, 2013

Filter King.  Dang is that four on the floor?  Almost like six on the floor!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Here's the Heir saying, if Main Team One gets swept by Main Team Two, it won't matter what they do for the rest of the year.  The media will rub it in because as far as the Heir knows, Main Team One won't face Two for the rest of the regular season.  It won't matter if Main Team One in turn sweeps Chowdah this weekend out of sheer frustration, trying to make up for lost time, because it'll be too little too late.  In fact, the Heir's pretty sure Main Team One will lose the Chowdah series 2 out of 3, and their solitary win Sunday will mostly be a gimme.  Probably a fluke 5-4 win.  Or maybe it'll just get rained out owing to what the weather service radio forecasts for Sunday.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Heir's looking for some opera light style detachable add-ons for his vehicle, even though it's a modern vehicle that's not intended to accommodate conventional opera lights.  As per the classiness pillar.  We should probably add the following link to the classiness section on our site: and/or a great gallery site.  Heir had a hard time finding out what the name was at first, until he stumbled upon it while reading online about the old Cadillacs.  So he's wondering whether there's such things as detachables that charge via solar during the day, and come on at night, and that they would be energy efficient with LEDs so that they would last all night or for as long as he wants them to.  Like he could pick them up at the local auto store for $30-40 a set.  No reason why you can't do that, but we're not sure demand for such items exists, because at this point in time no-one outside the Bachelor would come up with the idea!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bachelor will try not to beat a fallen horse on that ghastly attack on that soldier in London, as we've already made an announcement a few hours ago.  But we forgot to announce how we wonder why there isn't a debunker/responder web site to challenge Inspire! for example.  Any time Inspire! tries to tell young extremists how good it is to be a martyr, there needs to be someone to respond to that and tells them that unless it's for the pro-sex ideology, martyrdom is generally not worth it.  Heir's at least temporarily satisfied that he has this attack to express outrage over, as a distraction from near-resignation about The Responsibility Age making the world more apathetic, insincere and meaningless.  But, hey, we're still The Happy Bachelor!
With that attack in London, where the CIS said the suspects attacked that soldier with at least one machete, we in the Bachelor wonder why no one among the onlookers didn't himself take a machete and challenge the attackers to a duel, which the attackers would certainly lose, and then for the attackers go from a very pompous "an eye for an eye," to "oh no please anything but that!"  It's very easy for the attackers to make the former proclamation when they're on the giving end.  Heir thinks they're such complete wimps.  Also the Heir had pointed out when that anti-American violence took place last September, that he doesn't trust the notion that if we in the west stop what we're doing, the extremists will stop what they're doing.  So he doesn't trust a guy with a bloody knife making a similar claim.  The Heir wonders if that's just the guy's way of saying, "you suckers!"

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

You know what the Heir's nostalgic for?  The good ole days, that's what.  But more specifically, he thinks about those radios from 25 or 35 years ago, that have a gray silver finish to them.  When he goes to the cozy pharmacy store sitting right on the border between Bachelor Borough and Blands Township, he sees a Sony line there that reminisce back to the silver finish days, with a surrounding black casing.  He's thinking that if they move the band switcher to the front, make it multi-notch and add on the weather bands to the band switcher, they'd have something.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Here are some links to radios the Heir enjoyed looking at this morning on eBay (be sure to request desktop site on these if you're on a tablet, since eBay does not show pics in mobile mode):,,,  Heir found these through the eBay radio link on the Bachelor site.  Three of these use the "TV" bands, which is a shame now that TV has gone totally to digital.  Heir's still on the lookout for that digital-to-analog converter ball he can stick on top of the radio antenna, even though some news programs on 2-13 now syndicate on some radio stations.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Okay, a nerd entertainment moment with the Heir.  He had a couple of people getting bummed out for no particularly good reason, and he thought about the emotional shift of the population in the months after Sandy, and it got him to thinking about passages from Tolkien's the Silmarillion (though it can never replace the Artifactorial no matter how hard it tries).  So he got to thinking about the eucatastrophe that allows middle earth to make Morgoth really pay for it, in the form of the Earendil chapter.  On YouTube he found the audio passages accordingly:,,,  Someone also posted a simulated trailer if someone made the Silmarillion into a movie:  Guy said that maybe this will get Peter Jackson to make the movie, and then someone said, forget Peter Jackson, *you* must make this movie!
Heir's not really all that sure about DJ Roomer after about five months, post-Sandy. Roomer's mixes often use that progressive build-up that doesn't build up to anything, and effectively kills the rest of the mix. If the Heir likes what he hears from the free house downloads, those will likely replace Roomer on his audio.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Here's something the Heir said recently that we very well could go into more depth on audio: You should stand for what you believe in, and you should do what you believe is right.  That's not to say that the activist lifestyle is necessarily a particularly good way of doing it.  So when a charismatic few leaders of a given movement say, "We're calling everyone to action!!!," it's okay to be skeptical about that.  For one thing, ask yourself, do I trust these people implicitly?  If not, then you might be wasting your time doing everything the movement tells you (and nothing they don't).  But if you do trust them implicitly, how do you know they won't take privilege and end up going corrupt in their leadership, because there's no-one they believe they need to answer to?  The fact is, you don't know that it won't happen.  So what the Heir believes is that, it's not so much United We Stand Divided We Fall, it's more akin to Principled We Stand Corrupt We Fall.  Of course, if the movement is exclusively about going pro-sex and/or striking a healthful hedonistic simplicity, that trumps most reservations.  And it may very well make other activist needs in society effectively moot.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Question Of Whether Happy Singles Should Be Required To Go To Sexual Surrogates. On audio:

Transcript of latest adventure available at:

Heir can think of a number of "pollittishuns" that the lyrics in can be adapted to.  They'll even come right out and go "And That's Me" at the end.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Heir had another run-in with Nicole Banker Brown.  For some reason it had to do with meerkats.  Those are ground squirrel- or possum- like creatures in either the southwest US or Mexico that eat scorpions.  Heir hates how they do it.  They mutilate the scorpions by chomping off their stingers, and then going for the scorpions themselves.  I as the Mentor constantly remind the Heir of that old age adage, that "Mother Nature Is A Bitch," but the Heir seems convinced that once a scorpion loses his stinger, he can never grow it back (I'm not sure how accurate that is, depending on what they say on audio).  But with Nicole Banker Brown, she had bought all these garden sculptures of meerkats, with one sculpture eating a mutilated scorpion.  After she set them up in her and Dan Doctor Brown's front yard, the Heir looked away from them when he was arriving home from W, and she took offense.  She told the Heir how rude he was for not acknowledging her and Dan as neighbors just because he didn't like the meerkat sculptures.  Heir tried to explain it to her politely and diplomatically, but he has no idea how to do that in ten words or less.  Then she was like, well I'm really sorry you don't like my meerkats but that's just the way it is, and she stormed off into their house.  Heir can never say the right thing to them.  And it's getting warmer today, getting closer to nekkid beach season, but the Browns can never be assuaged he thinks.

Heir wants to add the free music sites he found to the music links list on the Bachelor site.  He hopes the free sites won't fold a week after he does so, seeing how socially he ends up buying high and selling low.

Monday, May 6, 2013

You will also see a pic of the Main Cigar Guy, and tentative behind-the-scenes type sketches of the Cigar Assistant and the cigar shop on the Bachelor site when we update to our next episode.  The latest major changes date on the site is meant to match up with the latest announcement in this list regarding site changes.  But you may need to proceed back further to find out about all we documented about the changes we're looking at.  In any case, don't never forget: you can take the Bachelor out of the Swank Lounge, but you can't take the Swank Lounge out of the Bachelor.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Also when you see Sonya on the Bachelor site when we do our next episode update, she'll also be in the navbar as well.  Leeanna and Lucinda also gave us updated profile pics, and you'll see those on the Bachelor site as well.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Heir really enjoyed the free last.FM track Jamie My Intentions Are Bass by an act called "!!!", it's going to be real hard to find them on a search engine for an online store.  The track itself sounds like a disco tribute, with vocal stylings similar to KC And The Sunshine Band, and guitar rhythms almost akin to 1979 or 1980.  The free music sites in contrast to music podcasts are part of a permanent social shift because of last year's hurricane, but that's the way it's going to have to be, until the record industry starts going after the free music sites.  Maybe by then the Heir will go to online radio recording to play and sample in the car on his audio player.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

When we do our next update, we're expecting Sonya's profile pic to appear in the Bachelor Family section on the site.  We're also expecting to have her next in our "rotation," so you'll also hear her as well as see her.
Heir's having to deal with institutions for a variety of complicated but necessary purposes, and the self medication he's using to alleviate the aggravation comes in the form of the old batman episodes from the 60s, including that voice eraser episode we talked about in the current episode.  One thing that strikes him is how they did that tilted camera angle for the villains' hideouts.  But he goes through these TV show phases, and he wants to be able to not have it always be about phases at this point in his life.  20 year olds go through phases, he thinks, not old farts like him.

"Well what do you want, for your... Heir's-going-through-a-tv-phase-but-doesnt-think-old-farts-like-him-should-go-through-phases type meal!?"