Thursday, May 16, 2013

Here's something the Heir said recently that we very well could go into more depth on audio: You should stand for what you believe in, and you should do what you believe is right.  That's not to say that the activist lifestyle is necessarily a particularly good way of doing it.  So when a charismatic few leaders of a given movement say, "We're calling everyone to action!!!," it's okay to be skeptical about that.  For one thing, ask yourself, do I trust these people implicitly?  If not, then you might be wasting your time doing everything the movement tells you (and nothing they don't).  But if you do trust them implicitly, how do you know they won't take privilege and end up going corrupt in their leadership, because there's no-one they believe they need to answer to?  The fact is, you don't know that it won't happen.  So what the Heir believes is that, it's not so much United We Stand Divided We Fall, it's more akin to Principled We Stand Corrupt We Fall.  Of course, if the movement is exclusively about going pro-sex and/or striking a healthful hedonistic simplicity, that trumps most reservations.  And it may very well make other activist needs in society effectively moot.

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