Saturday, May 30, 2020

We at the Bachelor condemn the killing of George Floyd.  The Heir also condemns the riots that took place.  But among other things the Heir's having to decide which to get to first in getting off his chest, one of those is the apparent media equation of Protests Equal Riots.  The media very well knows that's totally wrong, and the Heir publicly shames them for abdicating their journalistic responsibilities.  The media tried to throw in a weasel of, well the rioters only make up a small fraction of the protesters.  But the Heir points out that's like saying that ants make up a small fraction of the bee population.  This reporting failure is apparent to the Heir on audio where he clearly heard, "protestors have appeared for another day in a row, and a couple of stores were destroyed."  But you don't see that problem when you only get your information on visual.  What you see is clips of peaceful protesters intermixed with street fires, and then you have nothing that stops you from thinking, oh the protesters must have caused the street fires!  This morning the Heir skipped through audio program headlines that sound like very weak editorials, and focused on the headlines for the actual channel instead.  He's thinking, programs suck.  He's going through one program headline after another saying, that's BS, that's BS, that's BS.  And that's all he feels up to saying right now.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

So where does the Heir begin on this one?  Stuff like Michael Flynn, and premature reopenings, and that one lady whose actions threaten enforcement of compliance.  With Michael Flynn, the Heir references a video that you can search for on Youtube with the search terms "michael flynn dismissed not so fast".  It's a legal expert video, and one thing he points out that for some reason the Heir didn't see on the Insurgent News Network is the role that Emmet Sullivan's going to play.  The Insurgent Network only *briefly* mentions Judge Sullivan, but they downplay him in favor of trying to tell people that the Michael Flynn case is done already.  But as the video points out, not so fast.  The video talked about how among other things Judge Sullivan assigned a magistrate judge to the case for the apparent purpose of requesting amicus briefs.  Carmen wasn't sure what that was, so the Heir reminded her that's better known as Friend Of The Court brief, i.e., third parties.  What the Heir takes out of that is that Judge Sullivan's finding reasons to maintain justice in all senses of the word, in effectively requesting legal experts and groups to possibly make a legal case in their amicus for morality and principle at large in society.  The Heir thinks the judge wants people to come up and say that a dismissal of the Flynn case would set a bad example for others in society who, too, want to get off scot-free with felonies.  It's possible there's a criminal justice element on this one, in case a lawyer files a brief who represents someone who's served decades just for being caught with a joint, or a similarly less serious offense.  Everyone seems to think that Judge Sullivan will ultimately move to honor the dismissal request, but only the Heir thinks that may not happen.  He's thinking that Judge Sullivan will likely match unprecedented with unprecedented.  Experts agree that a motion to dismiss a case where the defendant has pleaded guilty twice is unprecedented, but that for a judge to deny dismissal would also be unprecedented.  The Heir's also sure that once a dismissal denial happens, everyone on the Insurgent Network would be like, oh wow this really blows my mind, I never thought that judge would *ever* do that!  Well, the Heir did, and he did so when it wasn't fashionable.

The Heir believes that compliance is falling apart, and enforcement will follow sooner after, and it'll be like the Wild West that Tony Sayers/Mayers lamented in Wisconsin.  Again it's about a video, and again the Heir didn't see the video since his judgement with analog audio is that the video is just news porn with no substantive implications whatsoever.  He heard on analog audio that a few days ago somewhere between 6-8 copies confronted a lady who had her mask around her chin but refused to wear it properly.  She then spat on the cops and claimed that she had the coronavirus.  This is what the Heir calls cop-spitting and/or coronassault.  He's heard it all over the compliance briefings with Bachelor Blue State, so this isn't an unusual occurrence.  The lady was then interviewed by the onlooking media saying she wants to have all charges against her dismissed, but the Heir's having none of it.  Firstly, the lady waived her right to remain silent, since what she said to the press can *and will* be held against her in a court of law.  Secondly, the way the Heir heard the report on audio sounded like all 8 cops jumped on the lady and wrestled her to the ground, but he's pretty sure this isn't what happened.  He's pretty sure it was only two cops, with one cop initially, and then the other tried to help his colleague.  He's sure the lady deliberately dropped to the ground, thereby forcing the cops to stoop down accordingly, making it look as if they forced her to the ground.  And thirdly, it's the video.  How does the Heir know this wasn't a cop-hating setup?  It feels to him like the lady had an accomplice with a phone, and she said to him/her, okay watch me instigate here, and then approached the cops without a mask on, just baiting them to take action.  This is even worse than the other case a couple weeks ago, because the cop in that case was caught sitting on the guy's back and whipping him upside the head.  This didn't happen here, so the Heir's thinking that it's yet another anti-cop move that will only serve to denigrate enforcement and compliance, and it ultimately affecting the suburbs of Bachelor Blue State, as opposed to just troubled areas in New York City.  The Heir understands that these areas exist in the city, and you have to account for them.  The Heir *also* understands that so-called ambassadors will have little to no effect in these same areas any more than the cops ever did.  Ambassadors in the Bachelor Blue Shoreline is one thing, ambassadors in troubled city areas are quite another.  People generally credit themselves for being a big of a jerkass as possible in those cases the Heir's covered thus far, so there's little hope that troubled areas of the city will be any better than the Wild West.

"The Wild Wild West.  That was a song from the late 1980s."

Sunday, May 17, 2020

So the Heir's trying to figure out where to begin on this one.  Stuff like the Michael Flynn thing, the bars in Wisconsin being "Open Immediately" solely because of that high courts's wrongful decision, political hyperbole in the media.  The Heir believes the first two can be addressed pragmatically with brainstormed legal lists, and he asks for a little assistance from people outside the Bachelor culture like Maya Wiley and Chuck Rosenberg accordingly.  Those two at least he sees as the least likely to surrender to despair in their analysis.  With this thing with hyperbole, what the Heir wants to point to is video titles he's seeing on Youtube.  There's a movie out called "Death Of A Nation," and there's a video with a title that reads something to the effect of, corruption of DOJ is now complete.  The Heir did a google search on his Loungtyp asking, how many people are employed by the DOJ?  The answer is, 113,000 or so as of last year.  So if corruption of that entire department is "complete," solely by Bill Barr, he would have had to corrupt all 113,000 people working there, which is an impossibility.  It's not something the Heir at least has ever heard of before, but this is the problem with progressive reporting.  They portray an adversary as omnipotent and invincible, and then a week later *actual* reporting shows that person as anything but.  And here's a clue that that's hyperbole that the Heir noticed.  In neither of those titles did he see anything to the effect of, "we can say without hyperbole blah blah blah," a la Kent Brockman.  Alternately, he sees it as hyperbole if they updated those video titles to read "Without Hyperbole Death Of A Nation," or "Without Hyperbole The DOJ Is Completely Corrupted."  With the DOJ thing, the Heir also sees vague video titles suggesting that Bill Barr's getting ready to go after Trump's political enemies, like Funny Named Skinny Kid or Joe Biden.  But he has not heard anything substantive, like Bill Barr issuing a warrant for Funny Named's arrest on trumped out charges or something.  Unlike most progressives, the Heir's ready in case that happens, because he knows how big a wuss Bill Barr is.  The guy's backed down in the face of public pressure, but that pressure he observes is organized *without* assistance from the larger progressive movement.  The demonstrators outside of Paul Manafort's trial a couple years ago organized *themselves.*  They did not bother crawling to the Bernie Snowdens on *anything.*  But anyway, the Heir doesn't see anything that's wrong with law and justice that can't be fixed with what's *right* with law and justice.

"I hereby issue a Cease And Desist Order on DOJ's arrest warrant on Funny Named Skinny Kid.  The DOJ has 48 hours to comply.  If not, they'll be challenged in court."

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Heir wanted to talk about this one for well over a week now.  Like most people, he's appalled by at least a still of that one video of that suspect being beaten in New York.  He was concerned in case that might lead to a rollback of compliance enforcement all across the board, from New York into Bachelor Blue State.  Thankfully that doesn't seem to have happened.  People are encouraged to call or text a special hotline in case they believe there was excessive force used in compliance enforcement.  That's how it currently is in BBS.  This stands in contrast to New York where the Heir sees a direct threat to enforcement through this talk of "minders" taking over the role of cops in enforcing compliance.  His low confidence in human nature *ever* really doing the right thing indicates that the so-called minders, if they're ever appointed, would likely be ignored by the violators, and you'd have to get the cops in there anyway.  He strongly doubts that most people in that one neighborhood where that beating took place would ever regard or respect a "minder."  He wonders if an increasing consistent amount of non-compliance in both that neighborhood and the others eventually led to the beating incident.  Sure, two wrongs don't make it right, but if a cop issues a friendly reminder to people in a given neighborhood to maintain a 6-foot distance, or not have large gatherings, and people ignore that reminder, the cop's ability to command respect is at stake.  He might as well not be a cop if that happens, the Heir points out.  So he's thinking that since failure to comply will result in X, and there was likely a failure to comply, so X happened, whether that's a forcible breakup of a gathering or a physical escort of people to maintain social distancing, and the people were like "oh how dare you," only because they may very well be out-and-out cop-haters, where does the cop go from there?  Most cops will consult with their respective precincts as to what leverage they'd have in case of an impasse, but there are those very few bad actors who will take matters into their hands, and not a good way.  And that's what the Heir believes happened two weeks ago.  Keep in mind that all we have to go on is that phone video showing the actual beating, and not all the events that led up to it.  Also, the Heir wonders, did the cop have his body camera turned on or not?  If he had it turned off against policy for officers, that should figure into either a complaint process, or even proceedings in a criminal court.  But since it's two weeks later, and the media news cycle has expired on the incident, don't expect any meaningful followup until months down the road.  The Heir's hoping it'll be sooner, so we'll have answers to some unanswered questions.

Friday, May 8, 2020

It's been ten days since Minnesota and Michigan reported spikes in the number of positive cases, but the Heir noticed that it was just over two weeks before then that those anti-lockdown protests started happening.  He sees this as likely proof that the refusal of protestors to abide by social distancing guidelines is primarily responsible for upcoming increases in cases in the Midwest, the West and the South.  He wishes that the Insurgent News Network would discuss how governors in those states are making reopening decisions based on the protests and not on the science.  Once they reopen the states and the cases get even far worse, there needs to be followup protests pushing *for* a lockdown.  The Heir remembered last week about that one counterprotestor that the media just happened to mention, but he doesn't believe there's been enough coverage regarding the counterprotestors, so he believes there are far more of them than people know.  It also doesn't help that the progressives are going to largely refuse to organize counterprotests, and instead drop the counterprotestors like a lead pipe and not give them the support they need and deserve.  The counterprotestors speaking truth to power are essentially on their own, while the progressives continue to berate ordinary people for not blindly taking the progressive side in every dang thing they can think of.  The Heir did catch AOC meeting with Elizabeth Warren on Youtube regarding essential workers, but that meeting did not make the Heir dislike AOC less, or make him see her as less snide and condescending.  That's his main takeaway, but because both participants were facing their respective Zoom cameras, it's really hard to discern body language for more specifics.  If AOC and Elizabeth Warren were to meet in person, he could tell whether they looked at each other while talking, or if one of them or both looked away and toward a viewing audience.  He did feel as if Warren and AOC had a parallel conversation going in which each comment was not a direct response to the comment before it, but was a series of comments on what each person was going to say anyway.  This was with the one minute video.  The Heir did not bother catching the five minute video, since he has better things to do, like still working on our DIY Third Pillar Music Player.  He's hoping that once we get to a good point in that, we'll at least release last year's unreleased episode on audio.  We do have a general plan to get back on audio.  We're not doing base shares permanently, but base shares like this one is a good way for us to keep everyone up to speed while we're waiting for the right time to go back on audio.

"One placard suggestion I have for the counterprotestors is something to the effect of, 'Tell my dead aunt that the coronavirus isn't real.'"