Saturday, November 21, 2020

Indications are to the Heir that the progressives essentially want to act as if Trump never existed once Joe Biden is inaugurated, and the Heir is having none of it.  All it does is confirm to the Heir that for all intents and purposes, the progressives don't care about justice.  I the Mentor will this time around spare you the Heir's rantings about the progressives' connections to Ed Snowden, and how they seem to want to release all offenders no matter how serious the crimes are they committed.  No, instead the Heir wants to remind everyone to heed and follow the Trump Trial once that takes place.  It'll be today's version of the Nuremberg Trials, because the Heir wants to prosecute Bill Barr, and those other trials that Manofort/Flynn/Stone are going to face.  The Heir is going to read the Riot Act to anyone who prefers the Cannibal Son Trial to the Trump Trial.  After all, the Cannibal Son is not suspected of or indicted on financial fraud charges, tax fraud, band fraud, insurance fraud, money laundering.  As the Heir heard Glenn Kirshner say, "Justice Is Coming."

Saturday, November 7, 2020

We in the Bachelor offer our congratulations to Joe Biden for winning the election.  It wasn't this landslide as hyped, but we'll take it.  Best of luck to you and your upcoming presidency.

Happy Bachelor Election Night 2020

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

On the congressional level, the Heir sees the election as a case of Progressive Hubris.  He gets the impression that they sent AOC all over the country even after the Bernie Failure in Michigan back on May or so.  AOC really has no clout outside of her own district, and the Donkeys For The People lost 5 seats when they should have gotten 20 or so.  The Heir is also going to pull the rug out from under Jaime Harrison for that ageist remark he made on Colbert about Lindsey Graham as being "a relic of the Old South."  From that page titled "South Carolina Voter Registration Demographics," the Heir estimates the median age of registered voters to be 58 or so, so you have to watch what you say around the older folk there, since they're largely the ones doing the voting.  That too is a progressive sin, to not just appeal just to younger voters, but to make youth itself a political issue in such a way that the 50+ people feel snubbed and disincluded.  Looks like they've showed the progressives in South Carolina at least.  So that's what the Heir believes the largely progressive intellectual class associated with coastal universities need to put in their pipe and smoke.  As for the Trump-Biden contest while votes are still being counted as of this writing, the Heir doesn't believe it should be as close as it is, mail-in ballots notwithstanding.  He thinks the election should have been over at 9:30pm Election Night with just 12% of all votes counted if what both progressives and conventional wisdom types said was true, that the coronavirus should have killed Trump politically.  Instead, the only credible theory the Heir can come up with is that people are just as likely to vote for a ham sandwich, and do absolutely no measure of merits on a given candidate, that they think nothing of walking into a booth blindfolded and hitting voting machine switches at random.  Those who wish to conserve did it with Trump, and the progressives did it with AOC (and did we also mention Ed Snowden as well???).  But unlike the Westernized observers, the Heir is already looking to the 2022 elections, the year of Soylent Green.  For one thing, he's pretty sure the Russians will get tired of trying to hack us by 2022, but he's also sure that the Elephantine Elitists are likely to pick up 5 seats in the Senate that year, because he's sure the Donkeys For The People will have far more seats to defend than the Elitists will.

Bachelor Election Night 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

Earlier this evening, the Heir had tea and muffins with Marco's Grandmother, after food shopping for her at Bland Barns.  He expressed his concerns that I the Mentor relayed here on this shares base that people like Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn are heading for not only a pardon, but a complete vindication of a get-out-of-free-jail-card.  Marco's Grandmother reminded him that the charges we hear being made against Manafort Stone & Flynn are not necessarily the only ones, and that additional charges may be pending.  Granted, we're not going to readily hear about those charges for two reasons.  Firstly, the prosecutors don't want to tip off the suspects with what they're working on.  Secondly, Pat Fitzgerald mentioned 15 years ago that the way our system of justice works, if someone's suspected of a crime, the prosecutors don't hold that information up for the public to look at.  They either charge them with a crime, or they don't.  That said, the Heir still wants there to be actual substantive reassurance that MSF won't automatically come off the hook in the case of a pardon, and until he actually hears some, he's going to assume the opposite.  That's probably partly because that the Insurgent Network, for its occasional emphasis on legal eagle geek type analysis, also portrays MSF as absolutely walking in the case of a pardon or some other technicality.  So if that technicality happens, and additional unrelated charges get announced shortly thereafter, the Insurgent Network has to explain to Law And Justice types like the Heir as to why they got it wrong.  Also, the Heir still sees society as personally corrupt because of how the 2010s happened, with the forced obsolescence of Big Tech, and Ed Snowden, and the recruiter spin of "the power of positive thinking."

The Heir: "Hey Mentor.  When we complete The Great Walkup to the counter, let's ask the Chef that if we do nail MSF on those upcoming charges, why did things like forced obsolescence and personal corruption ever happen to begin with?"