Saturday, November 21, 2020

Indications are to the Heir that the progressives essentially want to act as if Trump never existed once Joe Biden is inaugurated, and the Heir is having none of it.  All it does is confirm to the Heir that for all intents and purposes, the progressives don't care about justice.  I the Mentor will this time around spare you the Heir's rantings about the progressives' connections to Ed Snowden, and how they seem to want to release all offenders no matter how serious the crimes are they committed.  No, instead the Heir wants to remind everyone to heed and follow the Trump Trial once that takes place.  It'll be today's version of the Nuremberg Trials, because the Heir wants to prosecute Bill Barr, and those other trials that Manofort/Flynn/Stone are going to face.  The Heir is going to read the Riot Act to anyone who prefers the Cannibal Son Trial to the Trump Trial.  After all, the Cannibal Son is not suspected of or indicted on financial fraud charges, tax fraud, band fraud, insurance fraud, money laundering.  As the Heir heard Glenn Kirshner say, "Justice Is Coming."

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