Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Heir is outraged by the NYCLU's criticisms regarding New York state's decision to make pot use a fine-able offense, which the Heir otherwise sees as proper.  But this apparently was not good enough for the NYCLU who was the first civil liberties group the Heir's seen in his life to advocate for a for-profit corporate status that the progressive movement has been trying to get under control in most other sectors.  I the Mentor was amazed and astounded when the Heir pointed out that present-day legal pot laws effectively make it all but impossible for a plaintiff to mount a disorderly person's complaint against a defendant who blows pot smoke in their face in public.  The pot laws also don't adequately protect against peer pressure, so as far as the laws are concerned, if a teenager is being pressured by peers to smoke pot, that teen really has no choice but to do so.  A legal pot proposal in Bachelor Blue State failed to get enough votes among lawmakers for the leaders to want to hold such a vote, and the Heir is wondering whether those lawmakers had got to thinking that if we legalized pot in the state, then maybe we should also legalize sex work?  Obviously in our still puritanical society in 2019 the lawmakers weren't willing to go there, so the pot proposal was defeated on a technicality.

"Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater if we truly *need* legal pot."