Friday, December 27, 2019

The Heir's been watching octopus videos when he's vegging out.  They said that octopi can get bored, and you have to keep them interested with games and stuff.  But the Heir's not convinced that an octopus would play with a given toy unless there's a crab in it or something.  He doesn't think that an octopus would squeeze through a tube or open up a jar just for the heck of it.  So maybe it's not bored but hungry.  He'd like to see a bimac have access to a jarred crab and a non-jarred crab.  He's pretty sure the octopus would go for the unjarred crab first, and would only go for the jarred crab when he gets hungry again.  The Heir's led to believe it's path of least resistance with the octopus, but he'll update if he's led to believe differently.  And so may the octopus.

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