Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Heir Laments Over All These Dead Rockers.  So, yeah, the Heir grieved for David Bowie and Prince, but also added on Glenn Frey, Maurice White and Keith Emerson.  He's also going to miss Billy Paul.  He feels as if these artists have no business dying.  They've been with him his entire life, and they should have only waited till they got to 140.  He's also terrified that North Korea now has the H-Bomb back in January, but they only claimed it, and no-one's talked about it since.  Another pro-sex conviction he has is that you shouldn't worry about fat and cholesterol, if you have enough sex.  The Heir rips on the age of enthusiasm and the *unchecked* power of positive thinking.  He's observed that store chains now make all towns look almost exactly the same.  He doesn't understand why Donald Trump never made an election issue off the standoff in Oregon months ago.  But he does believe that Apple's flip-off to investigators signals that they will always refuse to help investigators on any crime, no matter how many people die, spinning any such cooperation as a slippery slope of some sort.  And that the courts will always side with Apple no matter what, going forward.  It makes the Heir nostalgic for the Tough On Crime campaigns of the early Nineties. On Audio (Play All): https://www.mixcloud.com/audiobachelor2/playlists/the-happy-bachelor-1/


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