Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Today was a very special Hail Mary listening for Tropical Soulvangelical in light of the poll that was conducted yesterday. Hail Mary just by itself has a lot to unpack with respect to what one is praying for and about and why. While not disregarding the other elements in the prayer, including the forgiveness element, TSV had originally come to this prayer because of the human race's failures to take responsibility for itself in the post-pandemic world. The pandemic, TSV sees it, should have been the moment where the human race pleads mea culpa to a larger power for its sins in the 2010s, including but not limited to an overrespect to a radicalism such as that having been started by Ed Snowden, participation in and advocation for forced obsolescence, and the hubris of the "power of positive thinking." It's clear to TSV that with this poll, this plea never truly happened on the scale it should have. Apparently after most people got vaccinated, they generally saw their obligations null and void. They may have been vaccinated against Covid-19, but they were not vaccinated against their immorality. As a result, TSV is not only -in- the minority, but is effectively -the- minority in preaching for a basic right-and-wrong amidst the populace. He will still continue to do so, in the obligation to spread the good word to all good nations, despite the fact that the populace he's preaching to now regards him as an "enemy" since there's no other intepretation of the poll's results. If anyone were to try to tell TSV that it's just about politics, TSV isn't buying it, and sees that explanation as evidence that anyone who says such a thing simply doesn't get it. This is also why TSV is skeptical of assumptions made by the concept of "democracy." One of those is that if, as per the poll, roughly 60% of people are against a thing, and you yourself are one of the 40% that's for it, the 60% is automatically right and you as the 40% are automatically wrong. There's only one that can make such a determination, and as such for inherently immoral human beings to think they can make that determination is the fruit-bearing-tree-knowing for TSV that this amounts to taking a holy name in vain. That's why you hear such a thing as Tyranny Of The Majority, and it's far more real than one might think. Beyond this, it's only a higher power that TSV sees as pronouncing judgment in time, but it's clear to TSV that in coming years we will see a severity that will effectively dwarf the pandemic, that is, -if- the trends in the poll continue through and after future elections. TSV has no idea what that upcoming disaster will be, and we do read that no one will know the exact day or time, and that it'll come like a thief in the night. But TSV hopes that until then that while the rest of the immoral populace has made him a pariah, there's one at least that's higher and bigger than that populace that reminds him that he is still loved, and to hold fast to his human obligation no matter the adversity the populace now presents.

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