Monday, August 24, 2020

The Heir's just brimming with ideas where GPNX is concerned.  So he woke me up the Mentor just now and I was like, dang Heir it's 1:30 in the dang morning, I ought to lose my Fonzie cool and get mad at you, so what is it now.  He managed not to accidentally wake up Leeanna in the same bed, who's incidentally a deep sleeper, different than her Burmese heritage I guess.  So the Heir comes back and says he's got some aesthetic ideas for both the name and the logo.  I guess that's easy enough stuff to figure out while there's that big hurdle of license free amateur status that he needs for the repeaters at least.  So he's now thinking that a better name for GPNX is PBNX, better known as Public Basic Networks.  He feels that's more descriptive than General Public Networks, because it would use a General Packet Radio Service, which commercial providers would consider the equivalent of 2G.  This is a reminder that it's only for the basics, not for real time streaming a blockbuster movie in IMAX format.  He's also had ideas of how to redesignate the buckets of cellular, but I thought we already talked about that below.  But the Heir also has an idea for the logo for PBNX.  It's made up of an upturned bell shape with cell bars filling in the spaces on either side of the bell.  I told the Heir that he had better research whether both the logo and the name have already been used, otherwise he would almost certainly get sued by someone.  And being a food clerk for the Bland Barns Catering Counter, he just can't afford it.  He's not filthy rich, and he's not desperately poor.  So he's not going to have his own personal legal team, and he's not going to have someone go pro Bono with him.  The Heir is effectively in that terrible and awful doughnut hole.  That's why he's considering the concept of PBNX in the first place, so that he doesn't have to play business politics with our current commercial provider.  It's getting worse than haggling over the price of a car, except that Big Tech Salespeople won't hesitate to use gaslighting and guilt trips and logical fallacies in their arguments, as well as fake outrage and yelling and screaming and pounding on tables.  Because that's where it's all going right now.  Looks like the Heir will have to wait till later in the week to get with repurposing the cellular buckets for PBNX.  Let's go to dang bed already, and no tossing or turning Heir with whatever other ideas you come up with.  Really, about *anything*, including butterscotch pancakes.

Hey Heir.  No butterscotch pancakes for *you*.  At least until you get some shut-eye.

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