Wednesday, August 19, 2020

So here's more stuff the Heir has on GPNX, particularly with the repeaters.  So talked about below, even though the GPNX lifestyle doesn't necessarily require a purchase of a repeater along with a hub, it's highly encouraged.  But what the Heir wants to add is that in keeping with the GPNX spec of low power (or rather, resource conservation), the repeater needs to have an emergency power capability.  It would be either plugged into regular household power or a solar unit (you can even try wind we guess, but the Heir doesn't think wind power is far along enough for there to be small enough turbines for your backyard or a deck for an apartment or a condo).  The repeater can power externally, but it would always be constantly charging.  That way, when the power goes out (and because of the outage caused by Isaiah, it's a matter of when, not if), the repeater would still run off its recharged batteries.  So that way, GPNX would still be up for its users.  The hubs themselves would be constantly charged as well, but resource conservation ensures continuous uptime.

"More to come on GPNX."

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