Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Heir's made his campaign donations, and only plans to do so again next month. As such, he's disabled the proliferation of texts coming in asking for money, but he's concerned about the fact that they've been texting him 5-10 times a day, predicting the end of democracy if he doesn't regularly donate an amount he actually can't afford to donate. He's already been there in 2004 when they told him that if Impulsive gets a second term, we won't recognize our country after Impulsive's term ends. Of course they conveniently ignored their own prediction, because by the time Impulsive's term came to an end, everyone was excited about Funny Named Skinny Kid. So the Heir's wondering, -if- the Donkeys For The People lose the races they wanted to win this time around, what chance is there that someone's going to text him the Wednesday after giving him a guilt trip about not having donated enough, and trying to blame -him- for the "end" of democracy? Months ago we did a base share here about the importance of keeping perspective regarding the perception of democracy, and we believe our general messaging still stands now even though we're not suggesting that democracy is "safe" in any way shape or form. But here's another thing the Heir believes is going to happen. -If- the Donkeys For The People -do- win the races they want to win, some wise guy will go on INN and point that a Donkey victory by itself will not guarantee the safety of democracy. Well of course it won't, because the Heir sees the "end of democracy" talking point as a corrollary to the false belief that "it's only a democracy if my candidate wins," and it wouldn't surprise him in the least if the Elephantine Elitists plagiarize these talking point memos. Remember people: it ain't necessarily so. In the meantime the Heir hopes to get very limited texts going forward, and he might end up disabling those as well.

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