Friday, April 19, 2013

OK, update on that situation at the neighboring beach at (this is linked from their page at  In addition to NAC's talking points, the Bachelor in their emails also contrasted the phrase "politics as usual" with "refreshing sense of statesmanship," as per the Heir's experience having once had an alliance with the vanilla progressives 2004-2006.  But even reading between the lines with the talking points, the Bachelor still believes what's happening at that beach is decidedly anti-gay, though the players are using code words.  Also, if the NAC loses this one, it will have a severe impact on the Bachelor's desire to speculate on essentials economics, since it will seem borne of a live-by-bread-alone spartan puritanicalism.  We're saying that this early out, so once we throw essential economics under the bus, no-one should be surprised.

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