Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Heir looked at all that stuff about Open Sky, and he figures it's mainly water under the bridge in terms of threats of scanner obsolescence.  He really likes the RS Pro-160 because it gets better band coverage than the Uniden 75XLT, plus most of the major trunking services.  The Uniden is simpler and more robust, but the Heir also likes the chrome finish on the 160, a small but sure nod toward the second pillar.  Uniden is a lot more plain, so it's not a superficial consideration.  Heir's 80% confident that he'll be able to get most of the NFM channels on the 160 even though the 160 manual is vague in terms of whether it supports NFM.  He sees it for $120 on Amazon, just $20 more than the 75XLT.  In the meantime he has the scanning web site to whet his scanning appetite, though it's not the same as the real thing, he doesn't think.

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