Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Heir's getting closer to getting back to listening to radio music in his car.  Both Luscious Fishborne and Yumeka suggested that he try out the freeform stations in the area, and he's thinking of alternating between one station at a time and his music player while on the road.  It'll take the pressure of him having to constantly update the "sand band" stations on his player, but since he just got started with including free tracks in the sand band from the genres of jazz, reggae and traditional, he doesn't believe freeform radio will entirely replace updating for those particular genres.  Also he anticipates still keeping his dance, classic soul and Grateful Dead stations up to date in his player.  He wants to have a music plan that's both simple and structured.  To a certain degree it depends on receptibility of the freeform stations on his current car radio, because he also has his eye on that analog car radio which he doesn't know whether it's as good as picking up stations as on his stock radio.  He now hates his stock radio for having a digital tuner, because this is now the analog revival era, Responsibility Age be damned!

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