Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Heir's shortwave phase has been put on hold.  Now that he has established being able to get his information on AM/FM and the weather bands first thing in the morning, shortwave is comparatively a redundancy.  He wants the medium to survive, because he believes it still has vitality and relevance for international broadcasting, like for less obscure albeit emerging broadcasters to North America who don't have the luxury of syndicating themselves on public radio like the CIS.  Also, the Heir has been enjoying listening to basketball during the winter, so it's that along with general Third Pillar and the vhf bands that fills up his evenings Monday through Thursday, dance and house music Friday and Saturday, and various classic soul and acoustic stuff Sunday.  We need to update the Third Pillar section on our site to reflect how we've expanded that pillar.  James Brown is still second to none, but there's more where that came from.  So the Heir will keep a shortwave radio on hand in case the entire internet goes down, and shortwave is the only emergency medium to get the information.  Also what if he goes abroad and WiFi support isn't reliable?

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