Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Turns out the Heir was right to be concerned about Odessa, with that tragedy with the fire that occurred a few days ago.  The Heir plans to take on Putin's online trolls, though that won't go on audio until after a couple of months or so, by which time a counter-troll trend is sure to result anyway.  But suffice it to say that if also by that time Odessa and the rest of the Ukrainian coast on the Black Sea falls to the Kremlin, the Heir will swear off all things Russian, and regret the fact that he has to then engage in discrimination.  Of course that's what Putin wants, so that he can make the case as to how fickle and two-faced and immoral and stupid Americans are.  But what choice does the Heir have since just about everyone of Russian heritage seems to have circled the wagons around Putin, and repeated his talking point memos about American hypocrisy overseas?  The Heir will have been cornered.  It's a shame, people.

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