Monday, February 9, 2015

Even though the Heir didn't necessarily need a victory on this one, he didn't think Brooklyn served vengeance enough on a Jason Kidd team.  Brooklyn fans booed Kidd last November or so for his prima-donna style ambitions toward May 2014 which got him fired, and yet his Milwaukee won anyway in that game, and the narrative is that that was vindication for him.  Brooklyn's defeat tonight only serves to reinforce that narrative.  The Heir believes Brooklyn needs to find a way to take that vindication away again, even if they were in Milwaukee tonight, and even if such vindication theft may take years to materialize.  The Heir likes Lionel Hollands a lot more than Jason Kidd as a head coach, but he also believes Hollands is a little too pragmatic, a little too nuts-and-bolts.  He's someone who understands the game, but doesn't quite understand the fans.  It's possible he believes (wrongly) that how the fans feel about rivalry (including one on a former head coach) is irrelevant.  He needs to understand, along with Prokhorov (not sure I the Mentor spelled that right), that there's at least a significant minority of fans who really do want to see Jason Kidd drown.  To have vindication taken away from him and for the Nets to get that vindication in return.  So in March of 2018 or so, when Brooklyn wins its first game in years against Milwaukee, at Barclays, and by 20+ points, the Heir and the rest of his anti-Kidd contingent will be there to make Kidd pay for his vindication narrative.  Sooner or later it's going to happen.  And by that time Brooklyn will become a team to fear all across the NBA, even trouncing Portland in a turnaround upset.

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