Friday, May 29, 2015

The Heir has a big surprise for Ed Snowden once the spying provisions of the Patriot Act expire on June 1st.  Ed Snowden according to one of his proteges in the media, the Guardian UK, indicates that the expirations are only the beginning.  He means to say that they're only the beginning of the expansion of his activist celebrity, when in fact it's the beginning of the end of said celebrity.  The Heir will make sure of that, through expanded discussion both on audio and this announcements base, to remind the world, and specifically his followers, in both the citizenry and the media, that his motives are not so heroic, and won't be any more now than they were during I Already Won.  The Heir will remind everyone that Ed Snowden does not sincerely care about privacy rights, that he made a mockery of the information process by emphasizing the practice of hearsay, and that he promoted such anathemas as It's All About Me and The Ends Justify The Means.  As the spying provisions have their sunset clause, so do those 2010s things the Snowden personality cult has a clear adherence to, such as Guy Fawkes masks, romper room circle-and-square designs of "Web 2.0," and forced obsolescence.  These things will not last, and when they meet their final end, we will then rewind the tape, and wonder why we ever upheld or tolerated those things now.  Trust The Heir On This One People It's Going To Happen @ #snowdenwatch #keepamericasafe #nationalprinciple #convictions #theupcomingpostguyfawkesmaskera

"What, you mean the expirations are only the beginning, Ed Snowden?  Well, you have no idea what has begun here."

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