Saturday, January 7, 2017

The End Of Music.  Happy New Year, people! So the Heir starts off the New Year from back last May to remind people about a plane crash that's now off the front pages, but at the time was Issue #1 because he believes both the media and politicians wanted it to be about terrorism.  Another thing you don't hear about now is the Zika virus.  But the Heir's more concerned about what could be The End Of Music, because of streaming services having to "replace" music downloads, and mainly only provide Top 40 content.  The Heir believes we're lucky that we were able to investigate that nightclub tragedy in Florida last year, because Apple would have opposed it out of the possibility of our needing to decrypt a suspect's smartphone.  He doesn't know why it didn't count as an Isis attack.  He thinks about how such tragedies get extreme coverage on cable news on giant TVs in medical waiting rooms, and how that's just distressing for waiting patients already worried about what the doctor may say.  He's pretty sure that Brexit will only serve to make the EU Parliament even more of a rubber stamp, because the UK won't be there to provide a dissenting view.  He wonders whether Fun Loving Chief in meeting with Loretta Lynch about Seventy First Lady's email situation pulled a "Columbo" in bringing up the issue.  On Audio (Play All):

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