Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Heir's reasonably sure, about 90%, that no one he and we know were at that one makeshift cover concert a couple weeks ago at Yohohoandabottleofrum Township about 10 miles away from our favorite beach conformant with Sonya's and Naomi's preferred dress code.  Many people we know at the beach like to retreat to small scale music venues, often bars, to listen to a cover band play.  That's why the Heir was real concerned, and he doesn't feel the need to get me the Mentor talk about how the participants at that one event acted like real jerks.  It's common knowledge by now.  So the Heir skimmed the beach bulletin board, and no-one there indicated they were at that event.  What a relief.

Here's the Heir's followup on our tendency as Americans to debase ourselves in favor of another country.  What the Heir see is that each country we debase ourselves for skips ahead of us on those countdown lists that matter.  The Heir has heard very vaguely that South Korea is now getting into trouble with their supplies, because they didn't prioritize and ended up testing every dang person in the country.  That exercise proved unsustainable and not very smart, and yet a week ago we debased ourselves in front of South Korea.  So now here's the countries the Heir sees as the most economically and reputationally powerful in the world in order: China, Germany, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea.  So where does the U.S. fit into that list?  Well, the Heir sees us at tied for 10th place along with the UK, Japan and Canada.  At some point that just has to end.  The Heir saw a Youtube documentary about how the Apollo Program gave us global greatness in the world 50 years ago, and now we are the *least great* country in the world.  That's got to change.  Not only do we have to catch up with China and Germany and Russia in all the lists that matter, but we then have to run all the others into the ground in some way to remind them that it's going to be time for them to pay for the suit.  Oh yeah, and just today we've debased ourselves in favor of Taiwan of all places, despite the fact that the U.S. cannot even recognize Taiwan as a country in fear of raising the ire of China.

"I don't care how much China and Germany and Russia get lionized for their superiority, we in the U.S. are still better on principle than all those put together.  We're better than this.  We really are.  Because this could be the eve of the renewal of American Greatness.  Or at least it had better be."

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