Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Heir has at least one addendum to his Post-Pardon Paul Manafort Strategy, and he's listed that below.  When he placed that addendum clause in his original list the other day, he didn't mean addenda *just* from other people, but he also refers to himself doing so.  He's pretty sure most good and moral people will remain outraged about the Manafort Pardon almost indefinitely, and they may have good substantive and workable ideas to get to the unfinished business of justice.  But that's not why he got me the Mentor to do this entry.  He's been looking back over a month ago at the Capitol Riots, and he believes that the progressives between 2006 and 2013 were strongly considering something similar both to consummate their late 2000s purism, and in doing so emphasize their case that nothing Obama ever did was good enough.  But the Heir sees Ed Snowden as having taken the wind out of their sails when they felt it was just easier to circle the wagons around Ed Snowden, so they apparently shelved this plan until 1/6, when someone else did it for them.  But now the Heir observes they want to act like the White Hat types on this one, and they don't fool him for one second.

"Increase legal resources by 20%!"

Increase targeted enforcement and prosecutorial resources against mid- and high-level business crimes by 20%.

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