Sunday, June 6, 2021

Today is Ed Snowden Day.  It was 8 years ago today that someone broke into, stole and weaponized classified information for the express purpose of embarrassing the country, and tried to push himself off as a hero for doing so.  But in that time, the Heir has seen very little public discussion about that guy, so how can someone be a hero and not be talked about?  The Heir was considering getting me the Mentor to re-reference that fifth anniversial Twitter thread that debunks and deposes Ed Snowden's claims, but he's going to put that off for now since most people's attitudes are like, today is *what* day!?  Ed Who?  But among other things, the Heir has observed that Ed Snowden's conspiracy theories aren't any more credible than Qanon's are.  That said, the Heir believes that even Ed Snowden isn't going to try to claim that forest fires are caused by space lasers.

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