Friday, July 9, 2021

It's been 10 days or so into the Cosby Issue, and the Heir *finally* found some more video footage where the Insurgent News Network had an actual substantive discussion accordingly.  He's clued into possibly why INN and the progressives and others never commented on it, whereas the Heir's been talking about it for 10 days now, and he's never forgotten.  And I The Mentor don't think he ever will.  So the video segment involved a legal analyst alongside one of the prosecutors against Cosby explaining how oral agreements are supposed to work between opposing legal teams.  The analyst used a Latin term for that kind of agreement that the Heir can't remember offhand, but the analyst contends that such an oral agreement leading to a jail-springing of a man likely having assaulted 60 women is such a rarity that the analyst believes that such a thing is unlikely to happen again in our lifetimes.  But the Heir made clear that when an obscure legal practice results in a disaster of an injustice, we still need to have a public social discussion about it, because seeing how the progressives largely ignored the Cosby Issue in favor of the Trump Issue, how does the Heir know that Trump won't be let off all cases and accusations and convictions based on yet another obscure legal practice?  What if Trump can't be charged with financial crimes, or sued for sexual assault, or charged with his part in the 1/6 insurrection, or pressuring both Georgia and Arizona to magically come up with 27,000 votes?  What if just *one obscure legal practice* scuttles all of that?  The Heir imagines that there would be riots and unrest and certainly a reprise of the Resistance, and he's wondering, where's the Resistance now that we need them?  Where was the Resistance when Cosby unjustly got out of jail because of an obscure legal practice?  The Heir's question is, what if Charlie Manson got out of jail because of an obscure legal practice?  What about Al Capone?  And how can we possibly teach our children right from wrong if they think going to jail is no big deal if they can get out on an obscure legal practice or a "technicality?"  That's how the Heir hears a roaring silence from the progressives, and that's why he sees their existential campaigns regarding voting rights and neo-Fascist groups as empty gestures.  The Cosby Issue was the one issue the Heir believes the progressives could have taken action on, and agitated all of America to do the same...

"...and they abdicated."

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