Monday, August 16, 2021

We in the Bachelor just finished listening to Biden's remarks on the situation in Afghanistan, on our analog radio, as a kind of fireside chat. But the Heir wanted to hear Biden's responses to what the Heir sees as misreporting and misanalysis on the Taliban insurgency and their takeover of Afghanistan. Time will tell for the Heir whether Biden's remarks will necessarily make a whit of difference to a media campaign that the Heir sees as a kind of geometric proof. The Heir previously criticized, among other things, the media's portrayal of the insurgency as a spectator sport with guns and tanks. But it was entirely predictable to the Heir that the coverage would move to what is effectively an indictment of Biden himself. So here's the geometric proof the Heir's seeing: 1) Biden announces withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan; 2) The gains the Taliban made must be played up in tragic and horrifying terms; 3) Now that the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan, it must be Biden's fault because he withdrew troops. The Heir didn't hear Biden criticize this coverage, because the Heir's wondering whether Biden's playing the media just a little to stoically diplomatically, since they've been anti-Biden from the beginning. The Heir observed that when the ransomware attacks went on, the media did everything they could to make us look far more defenseless than we necessarily are, just so they can lay *that* one at Biden's feet. When the FBI successfully counter-hacked the ransomware people to get most of the ransom back from the hackers, the Heir observed that the media quickly moved to the next Presidential "crisis," and the Heir's never seen the media ever substantiate, and he's always seen them spin. That's the beauty of audio, that you can actually *hear* the words they're trying to use, without the distraction of visual that might make a person convinced of the media's case against Biden, as opposed to their stopping to think, well, wait a minute, isn't this biased and arbitrary? Let's stay tuned people, as the Heir witnesses what the media has to say for itself now that Biden's made his remarks.

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