Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Almost as a followup on what the Heir said 1/5, and barring any changing or mitigating circumstances, the Heir intends to boycott those activist groups who in turn are boycotting Biden's appearance in Georgia on MLK Day.  Also, if those groups succeed in making Biden change his plans, the Heir will likely decide not to support the voting rights bills even though he agrees with what's in them and what they're supposed to stand for.  But the Heir disagrees the apparent point of view that democracy should somehow involve anti-Biden-ism as a kind of "agitation."  He's not sure sure what Ed Snowden type groups see as "agitation" is really all that good for the democracy the Heir wishes we had during the 80s when the same politicians were being reelected time and time again when the Heir was too young himself to vote.  The concept of agitation really only benefits small vocal groups, and not the populace as a whole.  Agitation tends to reinforce the groups' sense of righteousness in opposition to the populace's supposed wrongness, and therefore the larger populace must submit to the smaller groups.  This the Heir sees as the opposite of democracy, and certainly as the opposite of what the voting rights bills stand for and what's in them.  Democracy is not about Ed Snowden-ism.  That's what dictatorships are about, and last the Heir has heard, Ed Snowden right now still lives within the borders of a dictatorship.

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