Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Heir now believes it's time to abolish the Supreme Court, and it's not just because they "occasionally" put out a ruling he "personally" disagrees with. He has no idea what would take its place, but he's sure that you don't have to resort to an amendment process to make it happen. It's just that with the thing with abortion and guns that he doesn't see the Supreme Court as any more than an unelected third branch of Congress. As far as he's concerned, jurisprudence is dead, and it may have been dead for some number of months and years. In that time, the Heir's not heard of any simple but substantive argument to the contrary, that jurisprudence is ever used in a meaningful way. In fact, the Heir's 85% sure that this set of measures to prevent gun violence that was just signed into law will only get overturned in the Supreme Court a year from now. We've gotten to the point where anybody is opposed to any law for any reason can always go to the Supreme Court to get that law overturned. So the Supreme Court he doesn't see as much different than the House Of Lords in the UK, or the Council Of Elders in Iran. If we're so concerned about Democracy supposedly being on "life support," those same voices claiming such have fallen silent where the Supreme Court is concerned. The Heir doesn't think that codifying those things the Court strikes down or adding Justices is the answer. He sees that as just nibbling around the edges and not getting to the real heart of the problem. So this past Friday afternoon was the beginning of the end of the Supreme Court with respect to an emerging coalition of citizens and scholars now favoring an outright abolition or at least a severe overhaul just to restore a sense of checks and balances, and it's only a matter of time before elected and appointed officials start climbing onboard as well.

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