Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Heir/Tropical Soulvangelical/TSV caught Bloomberg Radio trying to carry astroturf for big tech. He heard them do a "report" on the supposed dangers of "check washing," and their "contact" in the report recommends doing all payments electronically as a supposed "safe" alternative. This is about four months after an astroturf TSV heard on another station about favoring card-tapping over card-stripping, and here's how you know it's an astroturf on audio. They never repeat the report more than once in a row. TSV saw it both with the checkwashing report and the card-tapping report. They don't want the reports to be open to scrutiny, and hence for people to find out that these are not true PSA's. They're just infomercials for big tech possibly because people in general are justifiably not sold on card tapping or exclusive electronic payments. In contrast, TSV recommends -against- overreliance on electronic payments or card tapping. These practices will expose you to hacking by the Kremlin, including but not limited to being victimized by ransomware. That's a far more likelihood than some Giuliani type trying to take your check out of your payment to the power company, and trying to wash out all but your signature so as to give himself free money at your expense.

The Heir/Tropical Soulvangelical/TSV has observed the Ed Snowden Caucus flying its proverbial vultures around the White House -in expectation- that Biden will blink with respect to the debt ceiling. TSV doesn't know what the final agreement is, but he's reasonably optimistic that we won't "default," as per visual's wishes so they can go sensationalize. He doesn't think it's as cut-and-dried as visual portrays. He sees Biden and Kevin McCarthy saying things like well if you give up this we'll agree to raise the ceiling by that. Biden may agree to -only- give up things that are not in and of themselves that controversial to give up, but will earn a bombblast from the Ed Snowdens all the same. Let's say Biden agrees to raise the debt ceiling by 8% if he gives up his pinking shears. Once he does that, the Ed Snowdens will bombblast him for giving up pinking shears, and will make a big deal out of pinking shears that they never did before. All of a sudden the public will have to be "educated" as to what pinking shears are and why it's a "bad thing" that Biden had to give them up. But here's one thing TSV knows he'll never hear from either visual or the Ed Snowdens. Once the debt ceiling is raised, Biden is absolutely free to take back anything he has to give up, so once he takes back his pinking shears, not a peep out of the Ed Snowdens. TSV will himself corner the Ed Snowdens in the halls of the Capitol for comment, and all they're going to have to say is, well it doesn't matter that he got his pinking shears back, because he should never have given them away to begin with. Anything to maintain such a fanatical purism.

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