Tuesday, June 20, 2023

If something in fact does happen on that submarine where those billionaires are, the Heir/Tropical Soulvangelical/TSV isn't so sure he's going to shed a tear. He reminds us that those people knew full well what they were getting into when they signed their lives away on that one piece of paper going in, so he objects to *his tax dollars* going toward a mount of a heroic rescue of some sort. He's also calling on the entire press corps to turn in their Fourth Estate Moniker in what he sees as biased reporting on apparently how 'important' these guys are. What he asks is, what about the four people who are *already dead* when that e-bike repair shop they were living over burst into flames? He also asks us to remember what was written, that a rich man has less of chance to get into Heaven than a camel does to walk through an eye of a needle. The four people who died because of the bike fire TSV counts amoung those who've actually *served* their communities and devoted love to their families. These are people like firefighters, EMTs, nurses, custodians, landscapers, and food and store clerks. These are people who on their days off devoted their time to their families for whom they're working hard for the rest of the week to make sure everyone has a roof over their head and food in their mouth. TSV contrasts these to those sheltered, spoiled and obnoxious poor little rich types who get the press to cover concepts such as The Power Of Positive Thinking. He tells us not to be too surprised to see special coverage on visual about how "you can visit the Mona Lisa, you can launch into outer space, you can even take a submarine to visit the ruins of the Titanic, if, and only if, you have The Power Of Positive Thinking." So any time TSV hears the phrase The Power Of Positive Thinking, he's brought back to when he was made to lose his job eight years ago during a 'great economy.' And just by chance those billionaires do get saved, TSV reminds us all that for every one billionaire that's saved from that sub, it's 100 of the whole lot of us who will inevitably die in tragic circumstances. The rest of us don't have the monetary power or fancy connections to get 24 hour coverage of 'will the nurse mom of three make it.'

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