Monday, September 18, 2023

The Heir/Tropical Soulvangelical/TSV is no fool. He can see End Fossil Fuels for what it really is, and no, he knows full well it's -not- about ending fossil fuels -or- global warming. It's about ending Joe Biden, what with the defamations he's heard from them, and it makes him concerned about the state of democracy. If EFF succeeds in ending Joe Biden, TSV will not recognize his country four years from now. Otherwise, he wonders why they made AOC into their keynote speaker when they should be demonstrating outside -her- offices as much as Joe Biden's. This comes two days after Bernie delivered an exaggerated albeit well meaning speech at the UAW rallies. TSV sees it as impossible for a reasonable person not to see the apparent biases in these events, and it's only Tuesday. What he just glimpsed on the fronts of the journalistically depraved newspapers was mention of this being Climate Week, but apparently he doesn't see anyone feeling free to stand for ending climate change it whatever way suits them. Instead they have to lockstep to a charismatic corps of leaders who can never be wrong. So what's happening next week? Is it going to be Issue Y Week, and if so, will the same people make the same kinds of corner-the-other-person demands they're doing this week? TSV wonders, because here's an example. An apparent hipster-ish voice on the radio TSV hears as saying something to the effect of, we demand that Joe Biden declare a global climate emergency at the UN general assembly. And let's see he does do that. All TSV sees them saying is, well he only declared an emergency because -we- said he should, so therefore he really doesn't mean it. That's a very handy way TSV sees them as moving the goal posts, and how Biden is always wrong. TSV will monitor the rest of this week for further defamations and stunts, and he will get me the Happy Bachelor to respond accordingly where and when necessary. He hasn't yet decided whether he'll vote for Biden again or maybe write in Liz Cheney, but still he will serve notice. If the anti-Biden progressives take his President away from him, he'll see to it that they'll deeply regret it.

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