Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!  Heir shared that Tom and Jerry video of that one duck going around going, "Happy Easter!  Happy Easter!"  But he's not sure anyone liked it.  Admittedly the duck gets real annoying, because after a while it's like, okay dude, you made your point so Happy Easter to you too.  Unfortunately Tom and Jerry are inherent mutes so they can't actually say that.  But nothing stops them from writing a message and then getting their owner to deliver that message verbally to the duck.  The selective mutism is Tom and Jerry's main flaw, and it's the ultimate reason why they have those problems with each other.  From the 1940s to the 1970s, excepting their successors in Itchy and Scratchy, it never occurred to them to see someone about it.  Tom barely even goes meow meow, and Jerry doesn't go squeak squeak.  Real life cats and mice have no problems getting their point across, but not Tom or Jerry.

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