Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Bachelor's Concerns That Visual Is Starting To Corrupt The Developing World.  Even though the Bachelor acknowledges that the developing world has its problems, they do admire their enthusiasm for the radio medium with the information, something that the Western world has forgotten with its glut of tech.  But now, the Heir says he sees signs that visual is starting to corrupt the developing world, over irrational accusations on visual that a Ghanian soccer player had killed his best friend in a ritual sacrifice.  The Heir also takes psychoanalysis to task over the "dog test," whereby at least one writer he saw seemed to contend that because a dog does not know how to talk, he cannot come up with forensic arguments against his mistreatment, and therefore such is the case for a young child.  The Heir also doesn't know about this Isis raid in Australia a couple months ago, wondering why the CIS reported at least a hundred helicopters for only fifteen suspects.  The Heir believes we need to restore warnings in radio spots for nutritional supplements that they're not meant to treat, prevent or cure disease, particularly that brain one that claims EHT.  And to the dismay of both Sonya and Lucinda, he has decided not to go to that massage parlor after all.  On audio (click Play All) @

The great walk-up.

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