Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Please listen to our new episode when you get a chance.  Info is in an announcement below this share (enable All Posts or equivalent), and you can also stream through the streaming link.  But good thing we finally got around to making those permanent pages here, or at least starting to.  Because now we can actually start sharing things as per "Shares" in Announcements And Shares, and have it make sense.  So because the Heir's getting discouraged that he couldn't find traditional slide rule portable radios in the general store ideal pharmacy he goes to, he was doing an images search on "sony radios."  That cheered him up a lot, but he still thinks we need to get slide rule radios back into those smaller general store ideal stores, and that that whole cutthroat store shelf culture (economics-based) should accommodate for this very real sociocultural need.  Some radios he thought were particularly interesting were a Sony Ericsson AM/FM phone (since phones almost never do AM), a DAB that is a little more akin to the reminiscent design standard and a yellow emergency radio (now discontinued) with a white slide rule display set inside a rubber frame.  What the Heir likes the best about the radio phone is the potential for pay-as-you-go phones (and not just contract-/monthly payment- only) to contain both bands.   Sony radios @

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