Monday, December 29, 2014

The Bachelor Has A Different Take On The Past Election.  This, nearly two months after that election took place.  Contrary to conventional wisdom, the Heir is skeptical that the election was necessarily a referendum on or a mandate against Funny Named Skinny Kid.  When the new Congress is sworn in the New Year, the Heir continues to see the most important issues in this country today being neglected, particularly the question of whether to medically require young adults who haven't been sexually active by a certain age to go to a sex therapist.  Two months was also enough time for the Bachelor to express regret over our One Percent Doctrine type response to the Ebola scare, including killing a dog without testing him for the virus, and imprisoning a nurse in quarantine who never had the virus.  They also stopped listening to the CIS full-time, particularly because of their contribution to the scare with their wrong downer claims that never got supported.  But the Heir relates his love of German radios he saw on that YouTube channel, available under the Audio link on this shares base.  He talks about how to look at the month of October (now that it's nearly January) in the context of hedonistic meditation.  On Audio (click on Play All) @
The Great Walkup

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