Monday, December 15, 2014

This is a nerd share with the Heir's relationship to the Linuxtop that may go over the heads of non-nerd types, just as a warning.  He did get Samba to work on the Linuxtop.  Samba is a program that allows computers to connect with regular files listing type connections.  But here's the nerdy part.  The Heir edited smb.conf so that he can connect our Mac with the Linuxtop with at least some security (he wants to put in more).  The documentation he read online said to add a user to Samba by using the smbpasswd command, but he found out that the documentation was incomplete, because it didn't work.  He did some more research and found out that you first need to add a user to the system proper using useradd (at least this is what worked for him), and then use smbpasswd.  The way his config of Linux works is that it needs to know there's a user in the system, and it needs to know there's at least one password associated with that user.  These are all separate steps.  The Heir is used to "signup" as being one and the same, but apparently it's not.  He did assign a system password to the user just to be on the safe side.  So he got the user set up and was able to connect to the Linuxtop through the Mac, and see the folders he got set up on the Linuxtop.  So that's progress.  Next he wants to make sure his sound drivers are working properly, because he's wondering whether you can do Amazon track previews on Linux (another thing he couldn't find documentation on).  Those preview buttons don't seem Flash Player-based, so he thinks it might be possible.  And he also wants to get his head around mounting CD drives on Linux so he can watch his (equally nerdy) DVDs.  At some point he wants to get Wifi working, and at least pull down the files he thinks he needs from a web site the system itself told him about.  But the Linuxtop is meant to help the Heir cope with his addiction to YouTube enabled by the tablet, as well as offer functionality he does not see in the tablet.  And he is happy with the Giants' past two wins, even though it's easier for him to go after them when they're losing.

"I've got tape in the middle of my proverbial glasses."

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