Sunday, February 20, 2022

In the unaccountable backdrop of Russia's eminent invasion of Ukraine and the antivax protestors in Canada, one thing apparently flew under the radar.  The Heir only found out through looking at Colbert on YouTube that Prince Andrew made a settlement with Virginia Giuffre, whom the Heir is 90% certain Prince Andrew assaulted years ago.  Even though the Heir feels -somewhat- relieved by Ms. Giuffre's lawyer pointing out that the settlement by itself does not give Prince Andrew a get-out-of-free-jail-card, he also does not concur with the media's apparent belief that this settlement is necessarily all that good of a thing for survivors.  Pro-assault groups like the Cosby Cult always try to portray survivors as "gold diggers" who are only in it for the money.  Of course as far as the Heir's concerned on that one, it takes one to know one.  But he's worried about settlements in general as reinforcing the "gold digger" myth.  He's also concerned that as of this writing, the exact amount of the Giuffre settlement is kept confidential.  He's not sure why the public somehow does not have a right to know how much the settlement is for, and in any case, he's pretty sure that when it comes to Prince Andrew, whom the Heir believes owns 1/5 of the UK's entire GDP, any settlement amount would actually be spare change for the Prince and amounts to what the Heir sees as hush money on the media.  "I already paid money to settle the case, so why is the media still coming after me?" the Heir believes Prince Andrew will end up saying somewhere between 6 months and 5 years from now when he's back in the news in not a good way that might not even involve Ms. Giuffre or Jeffrey Epstein.  It's almost like a bribe the way the Heir sees it, and he should have known about it on audio first thing in the morning.  But he's wondering if the settlement was announced on a late afternoon or an early evening, and the news sources dusted the story under the rug the next morning.  Was -that- part of the agreement in the settlement (?), the Heir wonders.  Settlements like this are only meant to involve an accuser and a defendant, not third parties like the media.  The -Heir- never agreed not to go after Prince Andrew, so therefore he intends to do so in the future when warranted.

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