Friday, February 4, 2022

The Heir's wondering whether the Associated Press should be renamed as the Associated Putin after that coverage of that "show your proof" reporter.  They don't want to do research on their own, as it seems to the Heir, of those times in the past when Putin did use a false flag.  That's how he took over Crimea, and the Heir does not recognize Crimea as a part of Russia.  He still sees it as part of Ukraine, unless they want to be a separate country entirely, telling both Russia and Ukraine, a pox on both your houses.  This at a time when the Heir sees the AP as *really* getting a black eye for giving oxygen to those anti-vaxxers in Canada, and that one thumbnail seemed to the Heir as having been cropped so as to make it look as if there were more anti-vaxxers at that rally than there probably were.  Also, what about coverage of counter-protestors pushing *for* a vaccine mandate?  And while Russia's in the news, both Russia and China showed their true stripes in forming what we Inside Tropical Soul see as an unholy alliance.  Two wrong countries like that are still wrong no matter what kind of alliances they make.  The Heir wishes that *individual citizens* in the world have the ability to join NATO, and not just whole countries.  Where does the Heir sign up for his personal NATO membership card?  Where does he get his own Ukrainian flag to stand in solidarity with?

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