Sunday, March 27, 2022

Previously, the Heir had admiration for Eric Adams with his tough-on-crime approach of not sparing the rod and not spoiling the child. But now with Mandate-Gate and Scanner-Gate, that admiration has all but evaporated, and the Heir implores Mayor Adams to do damage control on both to regain the political capital he needs to ensure public safety by protecting the moral health of young people. You've already heard about Mandate-Gate by which pro athletes who incidentally play for teams the Heir follows being told they don't have to get vaccinated, but that city workers still -do- have to get vaccinated. The Heir agrees with that one health expert he heard on analog radio first thing in the morning that this sends the wrong message that pro-athletes apparently don't have to follow the rules if they think they can beat the system. But there's also Scanner-Gate where Eric Adams says he wants to get body scanners into schools to scan for weapons. The Heir sees this as what a former manager of his at the Bland Barns Catering Counter would term as "taking a problem here and making a problem there." Sure you might be able to find more weapons, but the Heir sees the risk of those moonlighter security workers at the monitors uploading images to the dark web for profit, where predators will consume the imagery. You're preventing crime by allowing other crimes to take place. No-one's talked about that, and the Heir doesn't want the scanners to go in there and for us to find out 6 months to 2 years down the road that maybe 2-3 moonlighters uploaded images to the dark web accordingly. That the Heir thinks would dwarf Mandate-Gate 10 times over, and will prompt a political blood-smelling Ed Snowden challenger in the next mayoral primary. While the Heir's sure Eric Adams will defeat that challenger, he will go into his second term with far less political capital than he had in his first two months, and not only will fail to get things done, but will break the promise of there being a more principled city.

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