Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Almost as a followup to our previous base share about our eventual return to audio being a High Frequency Candidate, the Heir's increasingly DX'ing and hunting around the HF bands partly as a source of content along with ''vital basic information'' on the radio first thing in the morning to make discussion about. He also comes across religious stations as well, both on the MF and the HF bands, and had hoped that a divine wrath he'd find amidst the stations he could channel towards our inherently corrupt society, but results were mixed. He's found some black church sermons on HF along with the Lord's Prayer on MF, with some smidgen of wrath and outrage at said corrupt society, but just a smidgen. Unfortunately he's also come across some anti-gay and anti-choice content that seems more akin to the Attack Dog News Network than anything resembling the Lord's Prayer, and he finds that content offensive. Keep in mind that the Heir doesn't consider himself particularly observantly religious, but he's far from agnostic. It seems to him that the more unhinged and offensive content is counterproductive if the main idea is to spread the Word Of God to the people of all great nations (and small, too). People will get so turned off by the offensive content that they might end up using the logical fallacy of If Not One Then The Other, and embrace outright secularism. That's the last thing the Heir thinks this world needs right now, still having its neck under the boot of Ed Snowden, replacement marketing and corporate recruiting pressures such as ''the power of positive thinking.'' But it's also occurred to him that the anti-gay stuff may be increasing since Labor Day with respect to the upcoming midterm elections, which polls on the radio seem to indicate are a foregone conclusion. As such, the Heir generally sees elections as Tyranny Of The Majority, because with the exception of 2018 and 2020, he sees himself among a lesser plurality that the majority votes -against.- The majority doesn't just vote against the candidates the Heir votes -for-. In doing so, they vote against -him-. He's not going to forget that even two weeks after the election is over. He's going to look for a special election candidate to support to get his revenge on the majority (unless the election goes -his- way, but that's not what the polls are saying). He also wants to support school board candidates in Bucks County who will challenge the currently anti-gay and anti-trans school board at present. As far as the Heir's concerned, the election won't be over until there's an election that steps in the direction of the righteous path for society.

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