Saturday, October 15, 2022

As you may very well know, we haven't done audio for nearly four years. However, we anticipate that's going to change, though the format may be more pared down and slightly different. But it'll, among other things, exemplify the tropical conservatism of adhering to principle. Furthermore, we anticipate being what we call a High Frequency Candidate, for the sake of those radio amateurs wanting to do micro- or personal broadcasting, and are in need of content. This is not likely to happen for months yet. But as the Heir keeps making progress on his tropical soul DIY mp3 player, and we get closer to the deliverance and light of tropical soul, it'll be the next logical step once we finally get to tropical soul. The Heir's been DX'ing the shortwave bands along with collecting knowledge about what kinds of transmissions are out there, so he and we look forward to see what we can do with shortwave in some form. We haven't decided whether we want to get a license yet. Keep checking in, people.

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