Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Heir almost completely forgot that Harvey Weinstein also has a trial coming up in Los Angeles, though he's not sure when that's going to be.  He's hoping it's not going to be October or November, but he's pretty sure it's not going to be the next week after his trial ends in New York.  If Weinstein walks in New York, he's probably not going to walk in LA.  The Heir read that article on the NBC site that details the differences between the two cases.  Apparently, the fact that Weinstein never previously met the women he's accused of assaulting in LA or talked to them afterwards may count against him, because he can't claim to a jury the encounters were consensual like he possibly could in NY.  Sure it's dumb where common sense is concerned, but that's apparently how the mechanics of this kind of trial work.  But the Heir hopes the LA trial comes sooner than later, so a conviction there can count against Trump's claims of exoneration in a society now waking up to the importances of accountability and principle.

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