Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Heir is wondering whether the app failure in Iowa is a result of that app's marketers convincing a naive election commission about forced obsolescence, that one thing has to replace another.  The marketers may have come in with a big bin that the commission had to dump all their clipboards and calculators into as a condition of taking ownership of the app, i.e., old fashioned tools they may have previously used to tally up election results.  That's what they did in Finland when those marketers came in with a big bin for analog radios as a selling point that digital radios had to replace analog ones, resulting in what the Heir sees as a now informationally blind country.  Now that self driving cars have revealed themselves a miserable failure in high accident rates, that and Iowa the Heir sees as a reason to abandon forced obsolescence as a life's philosophy for the human race.

"At the risk of sounding like an old fart: BTT, back to tradition."

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