Monday, February 24, 2020

The other day when the Heir made a reference to the Incident At Uganda, Carmen kind of looked at him weird like, the what at what???  So the question gets to be, what exactly is an Incident At Uganda?  And the Heir says, take a look at Harvey Weinstein's guilty verdict and you'll soon find out.  And that's because the Heir sees the guilty verdict as an unwinding of Trump claiming he's exonerated and acquitted forever about three weeks ago or so.  The Heir has made a direct connection between Trump's claims then and the Weinstein trial, and that's something you're never going to see on FNN any time soon.  So how does this tie into the concept of the Incident At Uganda?  Well the Heir's definition is that it's not Davy Vs Goliath, and it's not Waterloo either.  The Incident At Uganda is an immense gale force a thousand times more powerful than those two put together.  So what it is to try to explain briefly is about a patently unjust force constantly winning every single "official" battle of process, and using each victory to push a self righteous narrative, untrue though it may be.  And all hope seems lost, and conventional society resorts to a form of fatalism that we're seeing with the progressives right now.  And then out of seemingly nowhere comes something of a silver lining or a contradiction to the narrative of self righteous injustice.  The Heir cites Uganda, because it's a small country most people can't find on a map.  Contrast that to let's say the u.s. or Canada or Europe.  The unjust force defeats all of those, and then it's faced with Uganda, and Uganda kicks that force's butt.  And by doing so, Uganda gives deliverance to the defeated and submitted adversaries, enabling them to put their defeats in the past, and their victories in the immediate future.  The Heir wants to explain more when he gets a chance most appropriate.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby announce that both Weinstein's survivors, and the rest of the people are Totally Exonerated and Acquitted Forever of the charges of Trump and Weinstein.  So make no mistake: the Resistance is alive and well."

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